Gum Disease

When brushing your teeth, do you often notice blood, even in small amounts? Does your mouth’s bad breath seem not to go away even after brushing, even at least twice a day? These may all indicate signs of gum disease. These problems may lead to severe pain and discomfort. You may be unable to perform your daily duties proficiently. You can solve these problems through gum treatments Campbell. Gum disease and possible remedies are discussed in further detail below.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is typically characterized by bleeding in your gums.

When the disease is mild, it is referred to as gingivitis. Gingivitis only involves an infection in your gums. If left untreated, the condition may travel below your gum line and into your bone. This results in a more severe type of gum disease called periodontitis.

Both gingivitis and periodontitis increase the risk of contracting heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia, osteoporosis, and cancer.

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease

Severe gum disease issues involve symptoms such as:

  • Bad breath results from bacteria living in your mouth and feeding on the plaque. These bacteria produce toxins that irritate your teeth and gums and release a foul smell.
  • Your gum line becomes red and swollen while becoming painful or tender. The gums also bleed easily when brushing or flossing.
  • Your gums may shrink because as the tooth bone breaks down, the gums begin separating from the tooth, creating a pocket. The receding gums result in your teeth appearing longer than they used to.
  • The bones holding your teeth may be attacked and infected, leading to loose or wiggly teeth.
  • Your teeth may become sensitive to substances like cold drinks. This may be as a result of exposure to the infected part of your tooth through receding gums.

Treatment plans

Your dentist will comprehensively go through your gum infection problems and determine the best way to begin treatment.

Deep Cleaning

The beginning step in gum disease treatment is usually careful, in-depth cleaning. Regular cleaning is typically done above the gum line, but deep cleaning involves going under the gum line through special instruments.

A procedure known as scaling is performed to remove tartar below and above your gum line. Root planing may also involve smoothening out the rough surfaces of the roots of your teeth to enable reattachment of the gums to your tooth.


Medications are not given to cure the disease but as part of your treatment. Some include:

  • The antibiotic gel is put on the gum pockets after cleaning to control infection
  • Antibiotic microsphere that reduces gum pocket size
  • Enzyme suppressant to prevent gum tissues from being broken down

Surgical Solutions

A deep cleaning may not necessarily clear the infection, thus requiring various surgical procedures like:

  • Flap surgery to get to tartar deep in your gum line
  • Gum graft surgery to cover gum pockets

Proper dental hygiene is the surest way of avoiding gum diseases. However, some conditions may be unavoidable, requiring medical intervention. Check us out online or call our offices in Campbell, CA, for any gum disease inquiries.