A lot of women are struggling to get a smaller waist following childbirth. Some are struggling with weight gain or obesity. Whatever your struggle is, what’s important is you’re 101 percent certain that you will find ways to get a smaller waist and be healthy again.

If you want to get that hourglass figure back, exercise and diet are key. Here are ways to get a smaller waist:

Know Your Body

The crucial first step to losing weight and getting that small waist back is knowing your starting point. See how much body fat you have and set realistic goals. You can also consult your doctor so you are certain that everything you will do will be safe.

Modify Your Diet

Losing weight quickly is not easy. It involves consistent effort in terms of monitoring what food we eat.

You might not go as far as counting calories, but what’s important is that you try to get rid of carbs, junk food, processed food, sweets, and salty food.

Make sure you eat more veggies, fruits, anything rich in fiber, and lean meat. You can also add a good dose of healthy fat into your diet.

When it comes to diet, remember that it is not about the quantity but the quality of food we eat.

Drop the fruit juices and energy drinks too. Instead, drink a lot of water so your body will not be confused whether you’re thirsty or hungry. Most people tend to binge eat when all they really need was a glass of water.


Regular exercise is vital if you want to have a smaller waist. If you want, you can sign up for gym membership or you can do exercises at home or outdoors.

It will be good if you can plan your workout. Four times per week is ideal as this gives you enough exercise for max results while giving your body enough time to rest in between.

A regular cardio routine will be perfect to get rid of the flabs and trim down other problem areas of your body. You can run on the treadmill and do some interval training, which involves cycles of short-burst of moderate to full speed.

You can also try weight lifting or other exercises that use your body’s own weight. Planking, squats, lunges plus modifications of these exercises are just some that can help you slim down. As you try to achieve a smaller waist, beefing up your chest and shoulders will also help your waist look smaller.

During exercise, you can also make use of a waist trainer so you sweat more and burn a lot more calories. The waist trainer will also help you keep your core tight so you can get that hourglass figure back. Just make sure you get a quality waist trainer that perfectly fits you.

Wear The Right Clothes

While all of the above ways to get a smaller ways we listed above involve a good amount of effort, this last one is really a trick you can try. Make sure you wear the right clothes that help make your waist smaller. The key is to avoid loose fitting top and use a belt to draw attention to your waist.

There are a ton of ways to get a smaller waist. Ask celebrities and they might just tell you, you can find a secret tool they use at WaistTrainers Reviews.